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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Metro Last Light Review

On this article you will find a short Metro Last Light review that will give you a glimpse of the Metro Last Light game. The Metro Last Light is the sequel of the previously Metro 2033 game. This game is published by the A4 game studios. The main idea of the Metro Last Light game is the journey of the main character named Artyom to meet and then eventually save the last one of the human known enemy called the Dark One. On the first game Artyom with the help of his friends hunts down every Dark One who always disturbing and attacking human. The presence of the Dark Ones is because of the nuclear radiation all over the world. The game takes place in Russia which specifically the underground trains line. It is known from the first game that Artyom has a kind of connection with Dark Ones since he was once saved by one of them while he was a child. That makes him want to save the last Dark One in the Metro Last Light. That is a brief Metro Last Light review about the storyline of the game.

Moreover on this short review of Metro Last Light, the game needs quite high specifications for PC if you want to play it on PC. As the first game, the Metro Last Light also supports the newest DirectX technology. Thus it will boost the graphic quality of the game. The intense circumstances of the game add tenser in playing the game. The game also has a couple of live action button that makes it much more interesting. The difficulty level of the game itself is somewhat hard but still possible to be played. That is all basic information about the Metro Last Light that you can find on this short Metro Last Light review.

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