Download software - Download Free Your Desired Apps 8 popular website free music downloads part 1 - Download Software

Sunday, February 23, 2014

8 popular website free music downloads part 1

8 popular website free music downloads part 1

8 popular website free music downloads part 1  -Copyright piracy problem for track works in The World has reached its great problem . Easily So we get the songs to mp3 format is illegal , whether it be downloaded from file - sharing services , download a copy from a friend or buy a DVD of the Shanties in the palm on the side of the road .

8 popular website free music downloads

Even artists and labels are dizzy with this problem . Various anti - piracy campaigns and other measures to Prevent piracy intensively conducted .

For those of you who berkocek thick certainly not have a problem to be Able to buy and enjoy the songs . But for you who have limited funds and not enough to buy a CD , the solution ? Download the song for free ! ( And legal of course ) .
There are so many online resources that provide songs mp3 format for free . Here are some of them :

All songs on Jamendo is free to download and licensed from one of the Creative Commons licenses or the Free Art License, making it legal to download a copy , share , modify and commercial use is set up on each license is included in the songs . There are more than 32,000 albums from musicians all over the world are now available for download on Jamendo . Jamendo makes one of the best website to download songs for free and grows into a library of free songs .

PureVolume is a website that is used to find and promote a musician or band . Musician or band on PureVolume have full access to upload a song and arrange it to be distributed for free or sold , upload videos, sell merchandise and provide the info tour Dates / concert 
ReverbNation into a container gathering of music industry professionals , talent management , labels , musicians , bands , promoters , and of course the fans . Many artists , musicians and famous band perched here , the local Indonesian too much . Usually they give you at least one free song for download .

4 . LastFM
In addition to being the Reviews largest music social networking , LastFM also Contributed songs for free especially from the indie musician or band . Go to the menu " Free Music Downloads " to view the list of songs for free and download it .

5 . MP3
MP3 is a website operated by CNET Networks providing information about songs , albums , and videos of musicians around the world . Not only paid , MP3 also provide Thousands of free songs for download .

Who is not familiar with SoundCloud ? for music lovers afdol not if it does not have an account here . Aside from being a social sound platform , SoundCloud also provide songs from its members the which can be downloaded for free .

The idea of NoiseTrade very interesting ! " Fans get free music . Artists connect with new fans . Everybody wins " . Sound very Indie , right ? NoiseTrade certainly be a ' Valhalla ' for musicians in the indie .

Epitonic first time at launch on March 8 , 1999. This website Became one of the first as a music library and information about the music industry . Got abandoned in 2004 and on March 8, 2011 Epitonic back at launch with the addition of more features are cool .

8 popular website free music downloads part 1

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