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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Ways Flashdisk Immune From Virus

Ways Flashdisk Immune From Virus

Ways Flashdisk Immune From Virus  -Many of us are almost every day utilizing flashdisk or also known by the name of Universal Serial Bus ( USB ) to meet the needs of the transfer of data from one PC to another PC . In addition to its compact dimensions and supports mobility , flash is also widely used thanks to the way it works is very simple .

But unfortunately , because its function is often integrated into many PCs , flashdisk becomes very susceptible to contracting the virus . Just ' plug in ' flash briefly to the PC , a sudden flash you 've been infected and can spread the virus .

Flashdisk Immune From Virus

Why flash easily contract the virus ?

Sometimes we are surprised why the virus can infect and spread so quickly bermediumkan flash . Technically , the main cause is available in the autorun facility of Windows operating system .

Actually , the autorun facility existed since the era of the Windows XP operating system is presented in good faith , that is easier for users . Every time we insert an external storage medium or device ( either a CD / DVD or flash ) , the autorun.inf file in the external media that runs directly inside the content can be instantly accessed easily by users . For example, when you insert a music CD , Windows automatically launch Windows Media Player or Winamp .

But good intentions turned out to be utilized to transmit the virus makers and menyelebarluaskan virus . By modifying the autorun.inf file on an external device , the virus can directly walk and transmit malicious programs every time the flashdisk is stuck on the PC . It could also be the opposite , the computer immediately transmit the virus to the file autorun.inf on any flash that never stuck .

What's the solution ?

Given how the transmission of the virus , how to prevent the transmission and spread of the virus via the flash is actually quite simple . On the PC side , the user should condition that disabled autorun facility . On the side of the flash , make sure the autorun.inf file can not be modified .

To realize the two- stage prevention you can use a special application . Two applications are often used Immunizer BitDefender and Panda USB Vaccine . Both of these applications will protect your PC and flash of the transmission of the virus .

The workings of these two applications as we have explained , that is to disable the autorun facility on the PC , while protecting the autorun.inf file from modification of the virus . Keduaanya also available for free , so please download and use as well as possible .

You only need to run the application, and the application will detect if autorun facility on the PC is still active or not . If so , this application would recommend you to disable the facility .

After that , you just do the steps that you want to flash immunizations protect. Select flash from the menu , then press the action Immunize or Vaccine . A moment later , the autorun.inf file on your flash will be replaced with similar new files and resistant infections .

Do not worry , you do not need to bother to move many important files in the flash if you want to perform this process . Everything will remain safe and do not experience the slightest modification .

Easy is not it? Immediately download either of these applications and do the steps suggested . Good luck

Ways Flashdisk Immune From Virus

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